On My Workbench : Pig pens, wargs, and trolls

I’ve been painting up a storm lately and my workbench is covered with minis. It’s glorious. :) I have several projects going, of course.

I’ve been printing a bunch of realistic, medieval style buildings. Part of an awesome collection by Printable Scenery called King and Country. I started painting the first batch this week. Even with just primer and a dark wash they are looking fantastic. I was surprised how real this quick snapshot felt.

That ruff lookin fellow is from the Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth game. I’ve been working on all of those minis, getting some practice with the small, 28mm models. I feel like I’m getting a little closer to what I’m after. I’m having fun splashing color around on those Warg wolves, I must have 5 or 6 different washes and glazes on there by now.